Saturday, 5 December 2009

Chapter2: Wingcasing and Thorax Casing Texture

From looking at this image I wanted the texture to be a richer looking green. This really wasn't that complicated, as all I did was the same method as the eyes, in photoshop I created the colour fill layer and just adjusted the colouring and opacity until it was the way I wanted.

Original Image

Image altered in Photoshop

There hasn't really been much of an alteration just colouring, I was happy enough with this, i didn't really bother tweaking around much with the texture looking more defined, because I decided to use the same texture as a bump map to my material in MAX to emphasise the required parts.

The final image shows Blinky with the altered wingcasing and thorax texture

I adjusted and tweaked Blinky a little bit more after the change in the texture, made the eyes with a deeper red and I applied the leaf texture to the claws, which I will go into in the next chapter.

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