Saturday, 5 December 2009

Blinky: Final Stamp!

Finally! Here's the stamp! I wish had more time to spare so I could've made my own stamp template, but luckily (thanks Rich) there was the stamp and queens head template at hand. I liked this image as the final one, because I like the way the mantis has been illuminated and also how the lighting almost looks as though it's coming through leaves above the mantis, placing shadows on the mantis. Also, bonus is is that is subtly hides the excessive noise that was on the side of blinky's wingcasing which I just couldn't shrug off and keep the desired look of the leafy texture.

This stamp has been a great learning curve for me in MAX on how to free hand model, using and applying the nodes, which is a slightly different set up to MAYA in the terms of modelling texturing is pretty much the same, so that wasn't too much of a shock to the system, overall enjoyed modelling this one!! Just wished I organised my time more efficiently, because although it's finished I can't help but keep looking at the model in MAX and the final pic above and just pick out every flaw that's great or small about this piece of work and how I could have improved it! But as mentioned, it was a great learning curve modelling Blinky and where I stumbled on Blinky I can remember and correct to ensure I finish Cecil to the same or higher standard.

What I found I need to work on more so from this stamp for Cecil will be texturing, also Cecil is being made from one polygon cylinder, so the texturing method is gonna be a little bit different in comparison as blinky was made from several shapes. Right, now it's time to make a brew and get my arse in gear to finish the other two now!


  1. That looks absolutely astonishing. You must be so proud of that, it actually looks the nuts!

  2. Cheers Phil!! I'm happy, but I'm nit picking it but it'll have to do, time's short.

  3. Looks really good, you've put a lot of effort into Blinky! I like the use of the background, fits in nicely!
